Life is always a roller coaster

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Ups and downs of life. That is something every one will experience throughout their lifetime. Have you ever wish you can have some time off from all the mishaps in your life? Maybe heading over to a nice cozy spot by the beach and escape from all the wilderness? I certainly do and I believe most of us too indeed!

At times, I felt that life been bad to me. Facing with many obstacles in life is understandable but I just don't get it why it have to happen to me that much. I know I have been donig many sins in the past but I am a changed man now. All I ever wanted is some peace of mind and a non hectic life for Christ sake!

I am not ranting but just wish I could have a much better day comapred to others. Like the old Malay saying 'jatuh ditimpa tangga' which means that right after you had tripped or fall, the ladder which is by the side dropped on your and increasing your misfortune.

Sometime I just wonder that what makes me going in this life is my family and love ones. Without them, I could had probably gave up and could even be a failure in life. I just hope that I could live a simple and happy life until the last day of my life along with them.

Just another Monday, isn't it?

Should I Participate In Nuffnang Ad Program?

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As we all know, Nuffnang is the leading site for Asian countries and in Malaysia itself, Nuffnang ads are viewed by at least 2 million Malaysian daily. For most of us, Nuffnang is in fact the new Google Adsense alternative competing with other advertisement programs such as Adbrite and Bidvertiser to name a few. I received many comments and questions from my followers which is should they join Nuffnang ad program? To be more specific, is Nuffnang ad program worth the time and effort?

I was lucky to be able to test run Nuffnang ad program on two of my sites and after sometime of testing, I have my own verdict. Let me explain to you that my observations might not as accurate as yours as we could be running different type of websites and even different keywords for example. This article is purely on assisting you to make a decision on Nuffnang.

Is Nuffnang ad program worth the time and effort? Will it increase my earnings?

My verdict on Nuffnang

I felt Nuffnang is great but if we are talking about is it worth our time and effort for it, I would say I have to admit Nuffnang is not worth our time and 'ad space'. The simple reason is because the ad rotation for Nuffnang is really limited. I felt that Nuffnang could do better but again, I could not blame them because they are running ads based highly targeting Asian countries. Unlike Google Adsense and others, Nuffnangs could not have the ad inventory to attract companies based out of Asian countries.

Again, this could be easily debated (even I myself debated on this) that since Nuffnang is running ads based on Asian countries, it is not fair to compare globally. Yes, it is indeed not fair but if you would think about it, our website, blog or even articles has the opportunity to show to other side of the world. If Nuffnang is just showing majority of ads for local companies, chances of clicking will be extremely minimal so to say.

Decision is in your hands

The decision to place Nuffnang ad program banners is truly depending on the nature of your site or blog. Not to forget, you have to take count of the number and location of visitors which are visiting from your site. Personally, I would prefer to place 'international' ads on my site compared to local ads as my readers are mainly from overseas. Therefore, the option to place Nuffnang ad banners lies in your hand and take your time to decide which is best for you and your website.

More related articles just for you:

How to increase advertisement clicks quickly and effectively?

Advertising and marketing strategy guide: The power of Twitter

A Newcomer Review On GoDaddy Hosting Service

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Hello readers! Today I am going to give a review on GoDaddy's hosting services with a twist; a review from the point of view of a fresh newcomer who had never had any hosting service before. When I started my own website @ Empty Talks, I have totally zero experience on anything and certainly, I have no idea how hosting plans work. Did a few scouting and as a newbie, I always believe that we should go with the market leaders. After few days of searching, found GoDaddy and thought, "Hey, this sounds good! Let's give it a try for 2 months."

First impression for setup was easy and simple. No issues with setting up the site and hosting as I believe GoDaddy would want to close the sale with me. After some configuration and assistance with the support staffs, my site was up and running on WordPress platform. Before long, I decided to change to Joomla and that is when all the 'fun' started with GoDaddy. For the record, yes I read everythnig about Joomla publishing platform and was certainly up for some challenge. What I didn't know is that I was not ready for bigger challenges.

Setting up was easy after going through GoDaddy's Help/Guides provided at the site. Easy to say, hard to do! Site was up in due cost and then I realized my site was actually very slow. Contacted GoDaddy's support team and was told they will look into the matter. To my dismay, they replied that there was no issue on their end and they believe the problem came from myside (pointing at my Internet service providers). Well, here's the issue that I told them. I tested via Unifi, Streamyx and even Time lines and basically, it is enar impossible for any problem as I have no issue going other sites.

Again, they said it could well be a problem n my end (again) and said they can't do much. So, what should I do to solve the problem? Seems like I have my hands tied. I focused on finding alternatives and found CloudFlare. Well, afetr diverting the name servers etc, it works again and this certainly prove it is GoDaddy's issue. However, my issue didn't stopped there. I experienced the same hosting issue again within days and this time, I was told by GoDaddy that it is CloudFlare issue.

I personally told GoDaddy's support staff that I would need them to change for me (name servers) and I am not going to do it myself. They did it and my site still isn't up. Waited for 48 hours and finally, send another ticket to them. Now, they said the name servers were actually pointed at the wrong place! Well, think again. Their staffs did it for me and the problem should be from their end right?

As for the record, all these issues I faced during GoDaddy did thought me on some basic knowledge when it comes to hosting. I am glad to say that I have finally able to run my site without issue while pointing my site to CloudFlare after some trial and error runs. Personally, I wouldn't say GoDaddy is bad in service and they certainly do respond back within the time limit.

What I believe they can improve is to be more helpful and try solving the issue instead of finding whose fault that is. I certainly believe GoDaddy can improve itself and do hope for more future improvements to attract more customers. As for me, I am certainly heading over to other hosting least for now. Do you experienced any issue like this before when you are still new?

Getting Quality Backlink Back To Your Website

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I always believe hardwork will pay off at the end. Same goes to backlinking as you can practise backlink methods a few months back before you are able to see the outcome of the backlink. In this case, you will be receiving a good link building between other sites and even a higher Page Rank.

To be honest, many people actually throw in the towel even before the results are out. I myself too felt down and tired (at times) when it comes to getting results back from backlinks. I couldn't say this enough but backlink is certainly a tedious task and would take up a lot of your time daily.

Let me share with you my experience that I encountered lately. I was doing backlink nonstop 7 days a week for about a month. I managed to get a mere 52 links throughout the internet and seriously, that isn't much to talk about really. 52 links compared to the time and effort spend is totally unacceptable. Yes, I was bold and thinking I could break record (that's a joke). I was hoping to hit Page Rank 3 as soon as possible.

I tried every backlink method I could from playing around with legal tools and focus on Google crawlers a lot. I read up nearly everything I could find and at the end, my website is still at Page Rank 0 with Alexa ranking of about 4.2 million. Thinking that is one hell of a task do perform, I decided to throw in the towel and thought I should just stick to writing websites instead.

On that day itself, my website hit Page Rank 1 and that hit me hard on the head. Why? I learned a valuable lesson here! To get quality backlinks need time, effort and on top of all, patience. It is always good to have a target but in order for us to achieve the target, we have to work real hard and devoted to it.

In backlink, there is no easy way out and certainly going through Black Hats will not solve your problem. What you need is practise and lots of link building between sites. We are all in the process of learning and thus, we need to ensure that we are on top of the game always. Remember that we are not only the one here. We are competing with tenth of thousands of websites trying to beat us even while we are sleeping.

Continue reading on The Ultimate Backlink Guide for you to beat the rest!

Looking fo the best instant backlink tool? This is what you should go for!

It Is Always Hard To Be Perfect

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Starting at Blogger, I am (again) stucked at trying to be perfect. Tried every theme I could find and even trying to fit the best ads in it. I know lots of things to do and certainly hope I had more time a day!

It was fun trying to change the codes etc to fit my needs but I guess I am too choosy. Finally, landed down with a favourite theme but now, another issue struck and I wish I can solve it. I can already forsee another late night today.

So what's my plan today? Simple!
  1. Setup Blogger completely (I hope)
  2. Write 2 hubs at HubPages
  3. Sleep well!
So, there you go. Three things to do and see if I can make it today!

Lesson Learned!

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Let me start off by saying thank you for reading this. This few months been very tough on me in both career and personal life. I have neglected most of my friends and family members too due to my schedule. Also, I was not able to spend evnough time writing!

I started my own blog at and honestly, that was mind blowing experience. I learned HTML, codings and codex from scratch and most of them I have not even seen them before in my entire life. Many thanks to a few especially in Google+ that offered help especially Marina Etuci and Thomas Yuen. I can't imagine my website running without both of your advises. The fact that they helped me without asking anything in return touched my heart so much.

As my subcription for hosting with GoDaddy is closing in within 2 weeks, I really thought if I wanted to continue running my site. With all the work needed, I don't think I have enough time. With the addition of me not being such a 'techie', I believe sticking to my usual writing sites such as HubPages and Factoidz could be my best bet.

I often think the reason for me to write. I love writing but for me, earning money through it is just an added advantage. I don't really mind (hey, I do mind a little!) if I don't get those advertisement revenue from Google Adsense and such but I feel being able to help out others is great. Just lvoe the feeling where people drop you a comment saying thank you and well written just made my day so much.

Therefore, I decided to write in a free blog right here at Blogger and focus more attention to both HubPages and Factoidz. I know there are certainly more future in my writing and looking forward to get a bgiger audience.

Thank you for reading and certainly hope you will follow me (and my RSS) too!